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Lorenz Weinberg

Lorenz Weinberg

Lorenz Weinberg

Lorenz Weinberg, M.A., studied history with a main focus on women's and gender history, queer history and sexuality history in Berlin and Vienna and is a doctoral candidate at the Friedrich Meinecke Institute of the FU Berlin. Their dissertation project "Feminist Sex Wars and Butch/Fem(me) Culture. Sexuality Discourses as Sites of Negotiation of lesbian_queer Identity conceptions in the German-speaking Lesbian Movements of the 1970s-1990s" is funded by the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

Lorenz Weinberg is interested in the entanglements of sexual practices and gender identities, lesbian_trans*_queer movement history and its sources as well as genderqueer figures in history.


“Pleasure and Danger” Butch/Femme und die Sex Wars, in: Sabine Fuchs (Hg.): Femme/Butch. Dynamiken von Gender und Begehren, Berlin: Querverlag 2020